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Matches for your search: "fan-out wafer level packaging "

ESD Bags

Sustainablity 101: Build a Better ESD Bag

When I worked for Advanced Packaging magazine in the early 2000s, we sometimes got pitches from companies that made cardboard boxes or foam cushioning materials. Their spokespeople obviously had not read the magazine or looked beyond the word “packaging” in the title. We ignored those pitches. However, many levels of...

IFTLE 584: SK hynix HBM Is Coming to the US; Intel Pushes Back Ohio Chip Fab

Onshoring SK hynix HBM Multiple reports indicate that SK Hynix is poised to announce its first major U.S. investment: A $15B+ advanced packaging facility. SK hynix is reportedly picking Indiana as its geographic site, but has Arizona available as a second choice, according to those close to the negotiations. While...

AT&S At Two Advanced Packaging Conferences

At the invitation of TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company), Rozalia Beica (VP Strategic Marketing & Business Development in Microelectronics Business Unit) participated in the IMPACT conference in Taipei from Oct 26 to 28. She attended the “Heterogeneous Integration” session on October 27 with a virtual presentation focused on “Enabling Heterogeneous Integration Through Advanced Interconnect Technologies”. Rozalia has acted as...

How Do We Entice Young Women to Pursue Careers in Microelectronics & Packaging?

If what is expressed during ongoing discussions on gender diversity and inclusion at semiconductor and packaging industry events is true, then the overarching belief is that women are drawn to careers that help people. In science, they want to be doctors or researchers to find cures for cancer. It’s also...

Rudolph Announces Multiple Customers’ Acceptance of its Firefly Inspection System

Wilmington, Mass. (September 12, 2017)—Rudolph Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: RTEC) announced today that its Firefly™ Inspection Systems, shipped to fulfill previously announced orders from multiple semiconductor manufacturers, are now qualified for production. The Firefly Inspection Systems provide high-resolution visual and non-visual inspection in a variety of advanced packaging processes, including fan-out...

EMD Performance Materials Announces Comprehensive Materials Solutions for Chip Miniaturization and Smart Packaging

  Philadelphia PA, USA, July 10, 2017 – EMD Performance Materials, a leading science, and technology company, today announced its portfolio of materials solutions for advanced semiconductor manufacturing. Megatrends represented by big data, automotive electronics, IoT, and an increased interest in green assembly, is expanding the need for advanced semiconductor processing and...

Deca Technologies Sees Promise in FOWLP for 2016

According to TechSearch International, we can expect to see 87% CAGR for fan-out wafer-level packages (FOWLP) over the coming 3 years. This demand is driven by a combination of several factors. Primarily there is great potential for the advanced capabilities of FOWLP to provide cost-effective system-level solutions for mid- to...

Assembly Design Kits are the Future of Package Design Verification

Unlike the traditional system-on-chip (SoC) design process, which has fully qualified verification methods embodied in the form of process design kits (PDKs), chip design companies and assembly houses have no integrated circuit (IC) package co-design sign-off verification process to help ensure that an IC package will meet manufacturability and performance...

Survey and Review of 2.5D and 3D IC Packaging Technologies

On April 9, 2014 Herb Reiter presented a 2.5D and 3D IC packaging-centric update in context with an IEEE/CPMT dinner meeting at the Biltmore Hotel in Santa Clara. About 50 silicon-, packaging-, assembly and test experts attended this 1-hour presentation. Most of them stayed for the very interactive Q &...

Is the Bloom off the 3D TSV Rose?

So I’m sitting here back at my desk, sifting through my pile of notes from this week’s adventures at the 2010 International Wafer Level Packaging Conference in Santa Clara, CA, trying to figure out what to write about first. Between chairing sessions, conducting interviews, attending keynotes and panels, and just...