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system design analyis

Chiplets and HI are Revolutionizing System Design Analysis

In electronic product design, solely relying on process shrink as the primary driver of product innovation and improved system performance is no longer a viable approach. The cost and complexity associated with advanced nodes have everyone looking for alternatives to the traditional monolithic system-on-chip (SoC). The path most is taking...

Updates in Test Connectivity System (TCS) from TestConX

The annual TestConX conference ( was held March 5-8, 2023, in Mesa, Arizona. It offered a one-of-a-kind, one-stop shop for the latest information coming from the Test Connectivity eco-system (TCS) consisting of probe cards, test and burn-in sockets, and load boards. There were 80 exhibitors and presentations/tutorials across 4 days....

Design-for-test for 3D IC Designs Comes of Age

In the era of more-than-Moore, 3D IC is the new scaling approach adopted by the marketplace. Progress has been made throughout the semiconductor ecosystem in bringing 3D ICs designs to the mainstream, including design-for-test (DFT). First came 2.5D Design-for-test The industry got some practice for the challenges of 3D IC...

New Multi-Functional Micro- and Nanoimprint Solution from EV Group Offers Unprecedented Flexibility for High-Volume Optical Device Manufacturing

ST. FLORIAN, Austria, January 18, 2022—EV Group (EVG), a leading supplier of wafer bonding and lithography equipment for the MEMS, nanotechnology and semiconductor markets, today introduced the EVG®7300 automated SmartNIL® nanoimprint and wafer-level optics system. The EVG7300 is the company’s most advanced solution to combine multiple UV-based process capabilities, such...

Reaping the Benefits of a Design and Manufacturing Ecosystem

As it does each year, TSMC recently brought 45 of its ecosystem partners together for its annual Open Innovation Platform® Forum to demonstrate to joint customers the value of a well-managed IC design and manufacturing ecosystem. TSMC and many of the partners presented recent accomplishments and explained in 33 technical...

New Details About More-than-Moore Test Technology Advances

SEMICON West and the Electronic System (ES) Design West were, for the first time, co-located at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, from July 9 to 11, 2019. In addition to most keynotes, I reported about here, This blog talks about some in-depth technical presentations on test and the progress...

HBM Supply Chain Seminar Highlights System-level Advantages

The Computer History Museum in Mountain View is a very impressive place to show you the enormous progress ICs and Electronic Systems have made in the most recent 50+ years. What I like even more is the fact that an increasing number of high-tech companies and industry organizations are utilizing...

Advancing Sensing Solutions to 3D and Beyond

A second side trip on the way to DATE 2015 brought me back to Nimes, France to check up on activities at Fogale Nanotech since last year. I was reminded once again, that Fogale isn’t just a semiconductor equipment supplier. Its core competencies are optical and capacitive sensing technologies, and thanks to...

Things are humming along at EV Group

“Keeping busy” doesn’t begin to describe what’s happening at EV Group these days. I sat down with Markus Wimplinger, Corporate Technology Development and IP Director, EVG,  at SEMICON West for a full briefing of the company’s latest corporate and technology developments.  Remaining true to their mission of “invent, innovate, implement”...

What is 3D Integration?

In the world of semiconductors and microelectronics, a trend to vertically stack integrated circuits (ICs) or circuitry has emerged as a viable solution for meeting electronic device requirements such as higher performance, increased functionality, lower power consumption, and a smaller footprint. The various methods and processes used to achieve this...