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Matches for your search: "fan-out wafer level packaging "

Development of Innovative Advanced Packaging Materials for System in Package

Advanced packaging has continued to evolve with various interconnect technologies on their way towards heterogeneous integration. Different assembly processes are used to optimize the yield of advanced packages, while the development of innovative advanced packaging materials is needed to address the many challenges faced in the assembly process for System...

IFTLE 472: Qorvo wins SHIP RF Packaging Program; SEMI Working on PLP Standards

Qorvo Begins SHIP RF Packaging Program IFTLE has previously discussed the US State-of-the-art Heterogeneous Packaging and Prototyping (SHIPS) program (see IFTLE 422 “Is Advanced Packaging and Production returning to the US by SHIP?”) Qorvo was among the phase one winners in the SHIP program along with Intel, Xilinx, Northrop Grumman,...

3D Packaging Pioneers Share 2020 IEEE Electronics Packaging Award

A big 3D InCites congratulations to Professor Mitsumasa Koyanagi of Tohoku University’s New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NICHe) and Dr. Peter Ramm, head of Strategic Projects at Fraunhofer EMFT, who have been named co-recipients of the 2020 IEEE Electronics Packaging Award for “pioneering contributions leading to the commercialization of 3D...

Snippets from Global SiP Summit at SEMICON Taiwan

I was halfway through my post about my day at Virtual SEMICON Taiwan, when I realized that to do the Global SiP Summit justice, meant it would need its very own post. The live version of the event spanned three full days. That’s a lot of content. While the on-demand...

Virtual DAC 2020 Addresses Chiplets and Advanced Packaging

Why is attending Design Automation Conference (DAC 2020) important for 3D InCites readers? Two of my previous employers – National Semiconductor and VLSI Technology – could not keep up with market requirements. Lack of competitive electronic design automation (EDA) tools limited their engineers’ productivity and eventually both of these –...

MEPTEC’s Annual IC Packaging Industry Update

Ira Feldman welcomed about 100 attendees to MEPTEC’s December luncheon at SEMI Headquarters to hear Jan Vardaman, Founder and President of TechSearch International deliver her annual “State of the IC Packaging Industry” address titled, “Market Drivers for Advanced Packaging: 2020 and Beyond.” In her opening statement, Vardaman emphasized that our...

Low-Temp, Ultra-Fine-Pitch Cu Interconnections for Manufacturable, Solder-free Assembly

A novel copper interconnection technology is being pioneered by Georgia Tech’s Packaging Research Center (GT-PRC) to achieve manufacturable solder-free assembly at low temperatures. By interfacing engineering and process design, the Cu interconnections are shown to meet both thermal cycling and ultra-high current-handling needs. This technology is now being applied to mobile...

Catching Up with Dongkai Shangguan about NCAP China

If you have an ear out for the new in the world of 3D IC technology as I do, then you might have caught one of the more interesting, and one of the freshest, voices in the field among the panelists speaking at the recent MEPTEC Semiconductor Roadmap Symposium in Santa...

SEMICON Taiwan’s 3D Tech Forum: Were You There?

I didn’t make it to the SEMICON Taiwan SiP Global Summit this year and was hoping to find some coverage by other journalists so that I could at least curate and share the information on the 3D IC Technology Forum. Unfortunately, I didn’t see anything posted on the topic, but...