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Matches for your search: "fan-out wafer level packaging "

ML/AI in Semiconductor Packaging and Electronics Manufacturing

As the semiconductor packaging technology evolves in the “More than Moore” era, many advanced processes have presented challenges in manufacturing. Often, challenges in precision die bonding, for example, have led to trade-offs in yield, throughput, and ultimately manufacturing cost. Precision alignment has become one of the key capabilities for several...

Amkor’s DSMBGA Advanced SiP Platform is the Preferred Packaging for 5G RF

Amkor Technology, Inc. (Nasdaq: AMKR), a leading provider of outsourced semiconductor assembly and test (OSAT) services, is advancing the evolution of 5G RF module design, characterization and packaging technology. With the introduction of 5G, cellular frequency bands have increased considerably, requiring innovative solutions for the packaging of RF front-end modules for smartphones and other...

IFTLE 451: Advanced Packaging is Leading Electronics into the 2020s

At the recent IMAPS Device Packaging Conference, Yole discussed how advanced packaging is leading electronics into the next decade. As you have heard from IFTLE for many years now, scaling is falling into the background as advanced packaging is taking the lead in determining the majority of new product innovations....

Recent Achievements in SEMI Standards

The first SEMI Standards Committee was formed in 1973 to address silicon wafer dimensional specifications. At the time, there was a proliferation of over 2000 different wafer specifications, leading to major inefficiencies at a time when the industry was just getting underway. Wafer suppliers banded together under SEMI to solve...

Advanced Heterogeneous Packaging Solutions for High Performance Computing

Heterogeneous integrated circuit (IC) packaging has made a full entrance into the high-performance computing arena. The target applications are broad, running the gamut from artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning, data center networking, supercomputers, and autonomous driving. In fact, a new generation of deep learning AI, leading central processing units (CPUs)...

3D Stacking is Part of Life

Sitaram Arkalgud, VP 3D technologies, Invensas, provided the entertainment at last week’s IWLPC 2015. As soon as he realized Phil Garrou wasn’t in attendance, he reverted to using the 2.5D terminology, despite the fact that on numerous occasions, I have voiced my disdain for the term, preferring “interposer integration.” Arkulgud...

Amkor Execs Outline Strategy for the Future of Advanced Packaging

I was invited to attend Amkor’s bi-annual customer symposium, which was held in Santa Clara two weeks ago. It was a grand event, complete with rock music intros narrated by a disembodied Voice of Authority for the execs (wait, was that AC/DC’s Back in Black I heard as CEO Steve...