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SEMICON West 2024

SEMICON West 2024 “Stronger Together” Member Preview

SEMICON West 2024 is themed Stronger Together. SEMI’s message of the year is focused on the need for global collaboration and it carries through to this flagship event. From July 8-11, 2024.  Join us in San Francisco at the Moscone Center for insights into semiconductor industry market trends and to...

IFTLE 547: IBAS RESHAPE is Onshoring Advanced Microelectronic Packaging

In IFTLE 541 I mentioned funding from the government organization known as the Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Program (IBAS). I got offline questions about who they were and what they were doing. Since their latest program is now public, I can give you a little more information. IBAS IBAS...

IFTLE 469: Panel Level Processing and Maskless Lithography at IWLPC 2020

Continuing our look at presentations at the 2020 IWLPC, one of the themes of the conference was panel level processing. Canon Doug Shelton of Canon discussed “Submicron Lithography Enabling Panel Based Heterogeneous Integration”. While panel level processing (PLP) is efficient for large packages, processing equipment changes are required to process...

IFTLE 449: Advanced Packaging and Chiplets at the IMAPS DPC

ECTC Meeting Goes Virtual For those that have not seen the announcement, the Electronics Component Technology Conference (ECTC) held annually the first week of June has been canceled. At the time of this writing, they are trying to assemble video presentations from the submissions and have a virtual conference. We’ll...

Disruptive Impact of FO-WLP Growth Coming for Electronics Industry

Fan-out wafer level packaging (FO-WLP) is a disruptive technology that will have a significant impact on the electronics industry in the coming years. WLP has seen strong growth, especially in the mobile devices, because it provides a low-profile package that meets the requirements of many smartphone makers. Billions of WLPs...

Executive Viewpoint: The Impact of Process Control on FOWLP and 3D IC

As Si interposer and 3D stacked memory devices enter into production, albeit in low volumes, semiconductor manufacturers are lining up their ducks to be ready for high volume manufacturing (HVM) when it happens. As a result, some suppliers of high volume manufacturing equipment who have been rather quiet through the...