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Matches for your search: "fan-out wafer level packaging "

2023 3D InCites Award Winners

The Big Reveal: Who are the Winners of the 2023 3D InCites Awards?

This is by far my favorite blog post to write each year; the one where I get to announce the winners of the 3D InCites Awards. This year we had 36 nominees for 10 2023 3D InCites Awards categories, representing companies from around the world, all working to advance the...

IFTLE 533: Fan-out, Chips-Last High-Density Packaging at Unimicron

Every now and then you run across a paper or presentation, and you say to yourself, “This clearly explains this or that technology…this is an important paper”. When I do that, I try to share them with you on IFTLE. In this case, I’m talking about the paper “2.3D Hybrid...

Virtual IWLPC Focuses on Panel Level Packaging

The 2020 International Wafer Level Packaging Conference (Virtual IWLPC) brought up the caboose of several weeks of virtual conferences that for me started with SEMICON Taiwan and included IMAPS International Symposium. The content featured one keynote, a panel discussion, 40 technical presentations, and 23 virtual exhibits where you can access...

What is Driving the Advanced Packaging Market in China?

Driven by a strong semiconductor market outlook and aggressive investment in advanced packaging capability fueled by strong government support, advanced packaging revenue in China is expected to reach US$ 4.6 billion in 2020, against US$ 2.2 billion in 2015, announces Yole Développement (Yole). This market is showing an impressive 16%...

Does 3D Integration Need to Go to HVM To be Real?

Consider for a moment that the ultimate goal of 3D integration is not to achieve high volume manufacturing (HVM) in high bandwidth memory and logic applications for mobile devices, but rather to be an enabler for heterogeneous integration of disparate technologies for everything from medical and automotive applications to industrial...

Advanced Packaging Alphabet Soup Creates Chaos for IMAPS 3D Panel

All hell broke loose at the 3D Panel discussion at the 2014 IMAPS International Device Packaging Conference. Nobody was hurt, and nothing got thrown, mind you, but it’s clear that we’ve got some very different opinions regarding one of my  pet peeves – the ever-expanding and increasingly complex advanced packaging...