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Matches for your search: "Sustainability "

Sustainability 101: PFAS-Free Filters

Fluoropolymers are excellent materials for filters. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), the same polymer used in Teflon coatings, is inert, stable, hydrophobic, and durable, making it an ideal filtration media. Except for one potential problem. PTFE is a member of the PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) class. Even though PTFE no longer contains...

sustainable materials development

Sustainability 101: Rethinking Sustainable Materials

The materials we use to make products are usually chosen with performance as the highest priority, followed by cost. Performance encompasses both as-manufactured parameters and long-term reliability. While these metrics are crucial, they are not the only concern. Increasingly, environmental impact plays a more significant role in materials development and...

Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Sustainability 101: Refuse, Reduce, Repair, Refurbish, Rework

The Hierarchy of the Re’s You are probably familiar with the phrase “reduce, reuse, recycle.” You may have heard that it’s best to do things in that order. I suspect that you aren’t aware of starting with Refuse. As a verb, refuse means to say no to something. When individuals...


Sustainability 101: A Closer Look at E-waste

Recovering Noble Metals Apple made an audacious announcement in 2017, publicly stating a goal to eliminate mined rare earth elements from its iPhones. Stating such a goal, without a concrete plan to achieve it, was unheard of coming from the usually secretive Apple. It still isn’t clear how Apple will...

Sustainability 101: Is B Corp Certification In Your Company’s Future?

If you are familiar with B Corp certification, you probably associate B Corps with consumer brands like Patagonia or Ben & Jerry’s. Unless, of course, you work at Brewer Science. In 2021, the 3D InCites member became the first company in the semiconductor industry to earn B Corp certification. Over...

urban mining for critical minerals

Sustainability 101: Critical Minerals and Urban Mining

In June, the GreenBiz Circularity conference came to Seattle. With the conference site about 15 miles from me, I had to go. The last day included an in-depth session called “Recovering Critical Minerals from E-Waste and the Untapped Urban Mine.” The speakers represented companies that are household names—Google, Intel, Best...

Greenhouse gasses

Sustainability 101: It’s Not Just Carbon – Reducing Greenhouse Gasses

The idea of semiconductor manufacturing becoming a trillion-dollar industry is astounding, exciting, or worrisome, depending on your viewpoint. Growth in the sector will provide jobs and create products that will make life better for millions of people. But the more chips we make, the higher the environmental impact of their...

Sustainability 101: Are Your Products Toxic?

Do you know how many individual elements and chemical compounds are required to make a circuit board? I don’t. There are dozens, perhaps more. The list covers much of the periodic table. Making the semiconductor industry supply chain more environmentally responsible involves considering how we extract, produce, use, and dispose...

Sustainability 101: Earth Day and Eco-Design

Today is Earth Day, April 22. What’s so special about Earth Day? Shouldn’t we care about our planet every day? Earth Day is special for me personally because it’s also the anniversary of the day I became a published author. My first book, Material Value, came out on April 22,...