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Sustainability 101: Employee Action Groups for Sustainability

Lofty sustainability goals like becoming carbon neutral by a specific date or committing to science-based targets for greenhouse gas emissions sound good. Making them public can spur progress at your company and with suppliers and customers. However, these goals can also feel overwhelming or too distant to tackle. Employees need...

TEL is Sustainability Leader

Sustainability 101: What Makes A Sustainability Leader?

2024 marks the fourth year I will serve on the 3D InCites Sustainability Award judging panel. We want to recognize companies in our industry that are sustainability leaders. (In this blog post, when I say “sustainability leader” I’m referring to a company, not an individual within it.) The more often...

Sustainability 101: What Good Are Awards?

Awards and rewards can motivate behavior. An obvious example is online gaming, where players earn stars, points, or access to special features. The reward system is geared toward encouraging people to keep playing the game. When I complete a New York Times crossword puzzle without hints on the day it...

SEMI Supports Sustainability Startup Initiative

Sustainability has become one of the key focus points for the semiconductor industry. When the big customers/users of chips – Apple, Google, AWS, META, and Microsoft – started to look at how to manage scope 3 emissions, they mandated semiconductor companies to work to meet net zero by 2040 or...

Takeaways from the SEMICON West Sustainability Summit

One of my go-to statements when it comes to sustainability comes from a famous frog, “It’s not easy being green”. The Sustainability Summit at SEMICON west 2022 discussed and demonstrated some of the challenges the industrial world is facing to meet the challenges of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and...

Environmental Sustainability – Semiconductor Industry Challenges

In March, I was invited to be part of the panel; at SEMI’s Silicon Valley Virtual Forum: “Environmental Sustainability – Semiconductor Industry Challenges”.  SEMI is working on taking a greater role for its members in helping to define what sustainability means, and how to address it. In most cases, both...

Sustainability Report Card: How Does Your Company Measure Up?

We are in year three of a global pandemic that has changed our perspective on health, the economy, and inequality. Attitudes toward environmental sustainability have also shifted in the past two years. We experienced cleaner air resulting from just a few months of shutdowns in manufacturing and transportation, followed by...

Semiconductor Sustainability From the Venture Capital Perspective

The sustainability wave in the tech space is gaining momentum. Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft have all set very aggressive sustainability targets (Figure 1). Most of these companies are shooting for net-zero emissions by 2030, or at least have Scope 1 and 2 emissions at zero at that time....

Sustainability 101: Sustainability Reporting Standards and Trends

You have probably heard that what gets measured is what matters. That is the idea behind sustainability reporting. Companies that issue reports make a public statement about their past actions and future goals around environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. Sustainability reporting is no substitute for action, but it can...

The Importance of Sustainability in Semiconductor Manufacturing

Sustainability is one of today’s hottest topics in the news, and how to improve sustainability efforts is discussed at companies nearly on a daily basis. It seems only logical for 3D InCites to dedicate a blog to the topic of sustainability, as the semiconductor takes a more active stance, and...