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SEMICON West 2024 Keynotes

SEMICON West 2024: Riding the Generative AI Winds of Change

Deepak Chopra said, “All great changes are preceded by chaos.” Here’s my Aha! moment from SEMICON West 2024: After great chaos precipitated by the pandemic, geopolitical tensions, the climate crisis, and the talent shortage, one singular driver is driving unprecedented change: Generative AI. Generative AI was referenced in almost every...

Volumes Matter and Other Conversations from SEMICON West 2018

The world wants intelligence in everything, especially things that aren’t nailed down like autonomous cars, and the internet of things (IoT) devices. And suddenly, semiconductors are the hottest game in town. Here’s how some of these trends are impacting suppliers that I spoke with at SEMICON West. The importance of...

SEMICON West Confirms:  AI is the New Killer-app for Semiconductors

SEMICON West (San Francisco, July 10 to 12) confirmed that our industry’s rapid growth will continue. Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) will be the core technologies for a wide range of new applications. Applying AI to win in new and diverse markets – like autonomous cars, medical equipment,...

The 2015 3D InCites Guide to 3D at SEMICON West

2015 will go down in history as the year 3D finally got real. It’s not an emerging technology anymore, and as such isn’t a main feature at the 2015 SEMICON West, which gets underway next week, July 13-16, 2015 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Rather, this year 3D...

SEMICON West 2014: Supplier Updates for 2.5D and 3D Processes

SEMICON West 2014 brought its usual flurry of supplier announcements on new equipment and process improvements; but there weren’t as many focused on 3D technologies as there have been in past years. This is likely due to the fact that some players are holding off until 3D hits it big...

3D is hot at SEMICON West

Given the building momentum around 3D integration schemes and the attention it's getting as the semiconductor bright spot, it's no surprise that at this year’s SEMICON West, there are more programs focused on 3D integration technology issues, both on and off-site, than last year. In fact, if you want to...

Breaking News from SEMICON West

There's no place like SEMICON West for a company to make a major announcement. After all, it is the semiconductor industry's annual 'coming out party'. My inbox was flooded with press releases this morning, and since my flight was delayed so much that I completely missed the SEMI press conference,...

SEMICON West: Success for 3D –focused Companies

Is it mere co-incidence that companies who have invested in 3D technologies seem to have escaped the effects of the downturn and are the companies poised to lead industry growth? I think not. In speaking with various 3D companies at SEMICON West, they all seemed to have good news to...

3d is hot at SEMICON West

Given the building momentum around 3D integration schemes and the attention it's getting as the semiconductor bright spot, it's no surprise that at this year’s SEMICON West, there are more programs focused on 3D integration technology issues, both on and off-site, than last year. In fact, if you want...