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Matches for your search: "SEMICON West"

Tour de France in 3D – Day 2

Another early start (5:30am) to catch the train to Grenoble. The trains went on strike (a regularly scheduled occurrence) but lucky for me, the strike didn’t affect trains running before 8am. (I love France. They’re so civilized here…) As I wasn’t scheduled to meet with the team from Soitec until...

Tour de France in 3D – Day 4

Our visit to the St. Jeoire facility of Replisaurus/SET got off to a glorious start with dinner Wednesday evening at the lovely Hotel Baud, in nearby Bonne, France, where we were staying. Patrik Möller, Replisaurus co-founder and CEO Jim Quinn, flew in from...

The Crowning Achievement

Ever since Birgitte Wehrman of SUSS MicroTec dubbed me “Queen of 3D”, I have been leveraging that title for all its worth. (I figure, if I didn’t coin the phrase, it’s not really self-aggrandizing, is it?) At the same time, living up to the title can be daunting. So...

Following Brightspots 3D IC Panel – Part 2

We currently have 14 separate discussions going on (with much more to come) across 3 forums addressing technology progress and limitations; supply chain issues; and standards development. As I suspected, most of the activity is happening around technology progress and limitations, because that seems to be where people have...

Bluebird: A project in 3D Equipment Development

I consider myself to be fairly savvy when it comes to knowing who the players are in 3D IC technology research, so when I first saw the news article in EDN reporting that TNO, an Eindhoven-based scientific research company, had approached BESI/Datacon to develop a high-end pick-and place tool for...

The Other 3Ds: Occam Process

The brainchild of Joe Fjeldstad, Verdant Electronics, Occam Process got a lot of ink in the press when it was first introduced in 2007. I should know. I recruited several articles from Fjelstad myself for publication in Advanced Packaging Magazine.

My Sojourn to SEMATECH

I’m a big believer in building relationships. One of my goals with 3D InCites is to make the rounds of all the research organizations with 3D IC programs, not only to ogle all the cool tools and compare 300mm clean rooms, but to get a real feel for how each...

June Events in 3D

As May rolls right into June, so do the 3D events; or should I say events in which 3D topics are addressed. Indeed, it seems as if 3D is permeating just about everything. From looking at the programs, it’s clear that organizers are struggling with categorizing presentations to fit under...