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Matches for your search: "SEMICON West"

Tour de France in 3D – Day 2

Another early start (5:30am) to catch the train to Grenoble. The trains went on strike (a regularly scheduled occurrence) but lucky for me, the strike didn’t affect trains running before 8am. (I love France. They’re so civilized here…) As I wasn’t scheduled to meet with the team from Soitec until...

Tour de France in 3D – Day 4

Our visit to the St. Jeoire facility of Replisaurus/SET got off to a glorious start with dinner Wednesday evening at the lovely Hotel Baud, in nearby Bonne, France, where we were staying. Patrik Möller, Replisaurus co-founder and CEO Jim Quinn, flew in from...

The Crowning Achievement

Ever since Birgitte Wehrman of SUSS MicroTec dubbed me “Queen of 3D”, I have been leveraging that title for all its worth. (I figure, if I didn’t coin the phrase, it’s not really self-aggrandizing, is it?) At the same time, living up to the title can be daunting. So...

Following Brightspots 3D IC Panel – Part 2

We currently have 14 separate discussions going on (with much more to come) across 3 forums addressing technology progress and limitations; supply chain issues; and standards development. As I suspected, most of the activity is happening around technology progress and limitations, because that seems to be where people have...

Wanted: Industrial Partners for Novel TSV Development

A few months ago, Andreas Fischer, of the Microsystem Technology Laboratory School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, contacted me to tell me about a novel process for filling TSVs that he had been working on from first proof of concept in August 2008, as part of...

And Now, a Word for Our Sponsors

While there’s no denying that our registered members, guest bloggers, forum panelists, advisory board, and regular readers are all vital elements of the 3D InCites community, none of this would be possible without the financial input of our advertisers. So I would like to briefly take up some blog space...

The Psychology of 3D Integration

Long before he set out on the 3D Holy Grail, Herb Reiter had other pursuits that involved bringing new technologies to market. Most notable is his work with field programable gate arrays ( FPGAs) and application specific ICs (ASICs), which, according to Reiter, actually started out as customer specific ICs...


I just got back from the IWLPC 2011 in Santa Clara, and my head is full of commentary just begging to be dumped on a page. This year’s agenda was jam packed with 3D discussion — plenary talks by Matt Nowak of Qualcomm and John Lau of ITRI, a panel...

My Sojourn to SEMATECH

I’m a big believer in building relationships. One of my goals with 3D InCites is to make the rounds of all the research organizations with 3D IC programs, not only to ogle all the cool tools and compare 300mm clean rooms, but to get a real feel for how each...