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Matches for your search: "SEMICON West"

A Trip Down Silicon Valley’s Memory Lane with Bill Hugle

Inspired by all the recent attention for the 50th anniversary of Moore’s Law and SEMI’s cool new Infographic series, which reflects the industry’s role in “Making Small Things Makes Big Things Possible,” my colleague and Impress Labs managing partner, Martijn Pierik, took me on a trip down Silicon Valley Memory...

Bluebird: A project in 3D Equipment Development

I consider myself to be fairly savvy when it comes to knowing who the players are in 3D IC technology research, so when I first saw the news article in EDN reporting that TNO, an Eindhoven-based scientific research company, had approached BESI/Datacon to develop a high-end pick-and place tool for...

The Other 3Ds: Occam Process

The brainchild of Joe Fjeldstad, Verdant Electronics, Occam Process got a lot of ink in the press when it was first introduced in 2007. I should know. I recruited several articles from Fjelstad myself for publication in Advanced Packaging Magazine.

News in 3D: the plot thickens at ECTC

Gossip flies at industry events. But usually as soon as someone tells me something juicy, they follow up with “but you can’t write about that yet.” Do you realize how hard that is? When, WHEN can I tell? Other times, I guess the answer, and can tell I’ve hit the...

3D InCites: Unveiled

Today, July 6, 2009, is the day a vision becomes a reality. When I first started Françoise in 3D, I knew it was just the beginning of something much bigger.

June Events in 3D

As May rolls right into June, so do the 3D events; or should I say events in which 3D topics are addressed. Indeed, it seems as if 3D is permeating just about everything. From looking at the programs, it’s clear that organizers are struggling with categorizing presentations to fit under...