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Matches for your search: "SEMICON West"

Will Fully Autonomous Vehicles Solve Global Transportation Problems?

Automotive electronics, with the Holy Grail being fully autonomous vehicles, is currently being touted as one of the biggest growth drivers for the semiconductor industry. So much so, that every event I’ve attended so far this year has featured sessions, presentations, keynotes, and panel discussions espousing the benefits of autonomous...

Heterogeneous Integration Versus Dimensional Scaling: One Year In (Part 1)

Heterogeneous Integration Versus Dimensional Scaling; One Year In (Part 2)At SEMICON West 2016, the big story was the end of the ITRS Roadmap for dimensional scaling according to Moore’s Law and the birth of the Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap (HIR). There were many reasons for this: the cost of continued scaling...

Tech Session Highlights from ECTC 2017

Françoise promised in her recent blog that my ECTC blog would follow shortly. Finally, after attending DAC in Austin as well as the iMAPS’ SiP Conference in California’s Wine Country and shortly before attending Semicon West in San Francisco, I found some time to report what I saw and learned...

DAC 2016: There is More to Life than IC Design, Part 2

Part 1 of my DAC 53 reporting focused on this year’s really impressive keynotes, now posted on the DAC website, together with videos of other remarkable pavilion presentations, panels, interviews, demos, etc.…. Part 2 will cover a few highlights that I found very interesting and useful at DAC. Considering that...

Executive Viewpoint: Providing A Golden Boat of Wafers

As 3D integration technologies become established in low volume manufacturing, the supply chain is gearing up to address high volume manufacturing challenges so that ultimately, these technologies can be used in consumer products. Cost is king, and industry-wide efforts are focused on lowering it. We talk a lot about optimizing...

aveni: The New Name and Face of Alchimer

I’ve been following the Alchimer story as it unfolds ever since I first started following the course of 3D integration in 2009. In my opinion, the technology has been cool and disruptive pretty much since day one. The wet, electrochemical process that enables growth of nanometric films offers an elegant,...

Are Chip Architects Finally Climbing on the 2.5D and 3D Bandwagon?

Ever since SEMICON West 2014, I’ve been seeing a lot of coverage of the 2.5D and 3D adoption question on Semiconductor Engineering, an industry content platform that covers the spectrum of semiconductor topics, and occasionally covers 2.5D and 3D, providing the perspective of chip architects, engineers, end users, industry organizations...

Intel’s Next-Gen Xeon Phi processor to have Micron 3D Memory Inside

Somehow in all my preparations for the 2014 3D InCites Awards and planning the schedule for SEMICON West this week, a significant piece of news slipped right by usually alert 3D radar for TWO WHOLE DAYS! On Tuesday, Micron issued a press release announcing a collaboration with Intel to deliver an...