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Matches for your search: "SEMICON West"

Top 3D InCites Podcast Episodes of 2022

Are You Listening? The Top 3D InCites Podcast Episodes of 2022

I got the notification while I was visiting with my family in Vermont over Christmas: Congratulations from Buzzsprout for 7500 podcast downloads! I was very excited because, in the podcast world, that’s a significant achievement. Did you know that there are over 2.4 million podcasts with over 66 million episodes...

Simply Gobsmacked, The CHIPs Act Passes

It has been a tumultuous month. At the start of July, the CHIPS Act appeared to be going into a summer recess. Pat Gelsinger was playing high-stakes poker with congress, and the chip and wafer fab equipment industry was still extremely optimistic going into SEMICON West. As we exit July...

The Great Divide Between Semiconductor Design and Manufacturing

Shortly before the summer break started, I attended a number of industry conferences: MEPTEC, ECTC, DAC, MEMS & Sensors, ASME and SEMICON West. At all of them, I clearly noticed that our industry is looking beyond “Moore’s Law” to advanced IC packaging, multi-die ICs, and system scaling. However, at every...

In Conversation with Yann Guillou About the SEMI European MEMS Summit 2015

Yann Guillou, Membership & Business Development, SEMI Europe, talked with 3D InCites / 3D+ about the upcoming European MEMS Summit 2015, which will be held in Milan, Italy, on 17-18 September. 3D InCites / 3D+: Yann, thank you for taking the time to talk with us today about the European...

Why You Missed Your 2014 3D Stacked DRAM Equipment Shipment Forecast

Remember SEMICON West 2012? How could you forget? It was all clubbing with your customers at The Redwood Room, DNA Lounge, and The Endup after a few standout meals with them at Mission Chinese Food, Slanted Door, Wayfare Tavern, Acquerello, and Absinthe that were preceded by a few drinks with...

Playing the 3D IC Glad Game

I admit it. I have always been a card-carrying member of the Pollyanna Club. What’s wrong with approaching challenges with optimism? While being realistic about the remaining hurdles to overcome is critical to the 3D IC effort, there’s nothing wrong with a healthy dose of the “Glad Game”  to help us keep...

Things are humming along at EV Group

“Keeping busy” doesn’t begin to describe what’s happening at EV Group these days. I sat down with Markus Wimplinger, Corporate Technology Development and IP Director, EVG,  at SEMICON West for a full briefing of the company’s latest corporate and technology developments.  Remaining true to their mission of “invent, innovate, implement”...