Recommended Reads

Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging: Who? What? When? – iMicronews

Apr 24, 2020 | I-Micronews

It is without doubt that the most promising area of innovation in healthcare is, and will remain, the application of artificial intelligence (AI). AI has the potential to improve clinical outcomes and raise further the value of medical data. Indeed, AI is opening new doors at every step of health management, screening the populations, epidemiology, […]

A Node Too Far? – SemiEngineering

Apr 24, 2020 | SemiEngineering

Planar scaling is running out of steam, even if it’s technologically possible. The post A Node Too Far? appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

Smartphone Sales to Fall 21% in 2020 – Semiconductor Today

Apr 24, 2020 | Semiconductor Today

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is having a significant impact on mobile operator planning in relation to 5G services in 2020, notes market research firm Strategy Analytics in a a new blog ‘Should Mobile Operators Push Back 5G Plans to 2021?’…

Engineering the Edge: How Intel is Looking to Train One Million Engineers

Apr 24, 2020

Did you know that the edge computing market is forecasted to reach almost nine billion by 2023? In this week’s episode of Fish Fry, Mathew Formica (Director of Edge AI Developer Scale – Intel) and I chat about the the biggest challenges in edge computing today, what’s included in Intel’s OpenVino Tool Kit, and how Intel and Udacity […]

RF Front-end Market Leaders Still Resist the Competition Pressure – iMicronews

Apr 16, 2020 | I-Micronews

“A deep understanding of the mobile phone’s RF front-end architecture is critical to understand the RF front-end modules market”, asserts Stéphane Elisabeth, Technology & Cost Analyst from System Plus Consulting. Pushed by 5G megatrend, the competition is fierce. System Plus Consulting’s partner, Yole Développement (Yole) announces a 8% CAGR between 2018 and 2025 for the […]

COVID-19 Drives Recession – Semiconductor Today

Apr 13, 2020 | Semiconductor Today

The COVID-19-induced 2020 recession will disrupt automotive, consumer electronics, semiconductor and IT infrastructure businesses worldwide before recovery in 2021, reckons Strategy Analytics in a scenario analysis report ‘COVID-19 – Catalysts for Economic Disruption’…

Post-Lockdown China: Glimpses of the New Normal – EE Times

Apr 11, 2020 | EE Times

Our Asian colleagues live in big cities where they have already “flattened the curve” of Covid-19 since mid-February. They are, in fact, living in the future — which could be “our future” in a few months — if we get lucky. The post Post-Lockdown China: Glimpses of the New Normal appeared first on EETimes.

Advancing Autonomous Vehicles Is All in the Eyes – EE Times

Apr 07, 2020 | EE Times

One of the most vital areas of development for semi- and fully-autonomous vehicles is driver gaze and eye tracking, but there are several implementation challenges facing designers. The post Advancing Autonomous Vehicles Is All in the Eyes appeared first on EETimes.

Silicon is Reaching its Limit. What’s Next? – iMicronews

Apr 07, 2020 | I-Micronews

Written by Marissa Lee for The Business Times – The world’s energy demands are rising and the search for better power efficiency is spurring new interest in gallium nitride as a successor to silicon semiconductors. Singapore should take advantage of this trend. IF cities are truly high-tech, why can’t we drive electric cars up to […]

COVID-19 Tech Bits – SemiEngineering

Apr 07, 2020 | SemiEngineering

Tech fights COVID-19 with AI, 3D printing, supercomputers, simulation & wearables The post COVID-19 Tech Bits appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

Systems and Bodies on Chip – Amelia’s Fish Fry

Apr 02, 2020

In this week’s Fish Fry podcast, we take on systems on chips, body on chips, and much more!  First up, we check out how Havard’s Wyss University is hoping to change the future of modern drug development and approval. We take a closer look at how this team has pieced together ten “Organ Chips” to […]

MEMS in the Fight Against Covid-19 – EE Times

Apr 01, 2020 | EE Times

The race against time to fight the Covid-19 pandemic has motivated a global flurry of activity and collaboration by technology companies. The post MEMS in the Fight Against Covid-19 appeared first on EETimes.

Wafer Level Packaging Reaches New Heights – iMicronews

Mar 31, 2020 | I-Micronews

WLP will definitely be a winner by 2025, declared Yole Développement (Yole) in its new Advanced Packaging Quarterly Market Monitor. $2.5B will be the market figure to remember as it will be Fan-out (FO) package revenue by 2025. Behind this data, there is TSMC’s strategy to drive fan-out for 5G applications. In parallel, fan-in WLCSP […]

Mobile Phones to Track and Trace Coronavirus – EE Times

Mar 23, 2020 | EE Times

The U.K. is in discussions with mobile phone operators about accessing subscribers’ location data to ensure, and if necessary, enforce social-distancing guidelines. Several other nations are also known to have instigated similar efforts. The post Mobile Phones to Track and Trace Coronavirus appeared first on EETimes.