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A comprehensive community platform full of benefits starting at $2000/year
As a part of the 3D InCites Community, you get more than just a place to share original content and important news. We represent you at industry events, create engagement on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Instragram, and include your voice on our podcast. Our 3D InCites Awards program recognizes your achievements, and our Yearbook showcases your
It All Starts with a Community Membership. Choose the plan that’s right for you.
What our Members Say:
“ Our industry is built on ecosystems that drive innovation and change the world. Technology is fast-moving, as is today’s media coverage. At ASE, we recognize the tremendous value of our 3D InCites membership and community. The 3DInCites member platform not only gives us a front seat at the bleeding edge of what’s going on, but also brings opportunities for us to learn, collaborate, network, and perhaps most importantly, share our perspectives on the transformative advanced packaging innovations that are enabling AI proliferation and ultimately making our world safer, healthier, greener, and infinitely more efficient.” ~ PATRICIA MACLEOD, ASE