About SEMI

SEMI supports growth and innovation throughout the semiconductor and microelectronics industries with executive conferences, events, and the SEMICON expositions, which are held in seven countries. SEMI’s Technology Communities address challenges and opportunities in materials, test, defect management, advanced packaging, roadmaps, supply chain issues, and IT operations and its Strategic Association Partners collaborate on topics such as fab management, electronic design, MEMS, sensors, and flexible electronics.

SEMI Standards form the foundation for innovation in microelectronics. More than 1000 industry-approved standards and guidelines have been created based on the work of more than 5,000 volunteers. SEMI’s Global Advocacy is the voice of the end-to-end semiconductor industry, representing its collective interests on public policy issues ranging from trade and tax to workforce development and R&D funding. SEMI lobbies for free trade, open markets, and the protection of intellectual property.

SEMI supports education and career awareness in high tech through its Workforce Development initiative, mentoring program, and SEMI High Tech U, which connects students, young professionals, and companies. Programs are designed to attract, educate, train, and retain the workforce to ensure continued growth and prosperity in the industry. The SEMI Foundation supports education and career awareness in the field of high technology through a variety of interactive programs, while Spotlight on SEMI Women recognizes and celebrates the many accomplished women who work in the global microelectronics industry. SEMI is committed to environmentally sound policies and the health and safety of the community and the electronics supply chain to assure sustainable industry operations.

SEMI is relied on as the industry resource, with market data and research reports, conference proceedings, its weekly SEMI Global Update newsletter, blogs, and website. Learn more at www.semi.org.


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