With nary a farewell glance in the rearview mirror at the terrain successfully covered over the decades during which we...
“It is better to be first than it is to be better.” (Ries and Trout, in The 22 Immutable Laws...
What is the “new normal” for semiconductors? Jim Walker, Research VP, Semiconductor Manufacturing, Gartner, closed out Q3 2016 with his...
If you need hard evidence that consolidation in the semiconductor industry can be a good thing, then look no further...
I’ve had an epiphany regarding fan-out wafer level packaging (FOWLP). Epiphany: “A usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential...
SEMI did a great job at SEMICON West 2016 organizing a bursting-at-the-seams amount of technical content presented on the show...
In the bric-à-brac collection that seems to form my particular set of memories and mental associations, I have at least...
If you, like me, have been wondering about when and where it was you last saw an International Technology Roadmap...
The Quantified Self movement has made headlines and grabbed press attention in recent years, ever since people started bedecking themselves...
As Dick James, Chipworks, puts it, the SEMI Advanced Manufacturing Conference is “… an annual conference focused on the manufacturing...
Stress Test, noun: “A test designed to assess how well a system functions when subjected to greater than normal amounts...
MEPTEC Luncheons returned big to The Bay Area on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, with a new venue (SEMI HQ), a...
The Saratoga Springs, NY, horse racing season starts in late July, following a racing tradition that dates to the 1860s....
Keizai Silicon Valley, the organization here promoting network-building as a means of achieving successful US-Japan business relations, put on one of...
Collected impressions of 2016 to date: the unfortunate passing of too, too many favorite musicians; the hard-to-escape-from strident bellicosity of...
You can’t have the perpetual motion machine I received for Christmas this year, at least until I patent it. And...
What is the MEMS supply chain as we know it going to do, device makers and equipment suppliers both, if...
The recent MEPTEC – SEMI Symposium on “The Great Miniaturization” featured two days of talks on just that subject at...
I’m not sure what it is about SEMI events held in the U.S. Northeast, but the last two I attended,...
Yann Guillou, Membership & Business Development, SEMI Europe, talked with 3D InCites / 3D+ about the upcoming European MEMS Summit...