Karlheinz Bock
About Karlheinz
About Karlheinz
Karlheinz Bock gained scientific experience in the areas of semiconductor technology, electronics packaging, heterogeneous system integration, micro integration, organic, flexible, stretchable, and bio-medical electronics, related materials, and quality and reliability, at the Universities of Saarbrücken and Darmstadt, at the Tohoku University Sendai Japan, at IMEC in Belgium, at the Fraunhofer Management Society with Roland Berger in Munich, at the Fraunhofer IZM and EMFT in Berlin and Munich, at the University of Berlin and at the University of Dresden. He is a member of the international research community of electronics packaging and heterogeneous systems integration for more than 25 years conducting a wide area of research and development projects, and also engaged in building and maintaining the research community. From March 2007 until September 2014 he served as a professor for Polytronic Systems at the TU Berlin and since October 2014 he serves as a professor for electronics packaging and director of the Institute for Electronics Packaging (IAVT) at the University of Dresden (TU Dresden). He presently serves as dean of the faculty of electronics engineering and information sciences. He is a senior member of IEEE (M’95, SM’17) and serves on the executive committee of the IEEE EPS electronics components and technology conference ECTC since 2019, in 2022 as program chair, and in 2023 as vice general chair. He serves on the board of governors of the IEEE electronics packaging society EPS for region 8 in 2014-2018 and at present term 2020-2022. For publications please see: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=oGiWxoIAAAAJ
and for more information please visit the website of the institute for electronics packaging at TU Dresden: https://www.avt.et.tu-dresden.de/en/