Over the past month, you may have noticed a new addition to the 3D InCites platform. The 3D InCites Podcast made its debut on May 5, 2020, with a conversation with Kiterocket’s Joe Cestari, about how to successfully market a semiconductor business. The second episode featured 3D InCites bloggers, Julia Goldstein and Dean Freeman, on the topic of urban mining, electric vehicle batteries, and other sustainability issues.

We’ve been thinking about launching the 3D InCites Podcast for several years. Everyone is talking about the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses, and for us and our podcast idea, the pandemic was the tipping point. With in-person conferences on hiatus, it seemed a good idea to put our efforts into tapping into this increasingly popular media format.

While virtual events have been a great short-term substitute for in-person meetings, the novelty is wearing off. We wanted to provide a more portable way for our members to share their ideas and for our audience to consume them. Podcasts are great because you can listen to them on the run – in the car, while you’re exercising, cooking, working in the yard, and cleaning the house, etc.

Even before COVID, podcast listening was on the rise, and after a slight dip as people adjusted their daily schedules, it has continued its upward trend. Global listening has increased 42%. What’s more, there is large growth among millennials and Gen Z generations. As the semiconductor industry seeks to attract younger generations to its workforce, we think a podcast is a great way to reach this audience.

When I speak with our members about what they miss most from in-person events, they say it’s the casual hallway conversations they strike up with industry colleagues. These discussions are often inspired by the keynotes and panel discussions they’ve been immersed in for several days without the interruption of day-to-day tasks.

In the spirit of these missed discussions, we created the 3D InCites Podcast to provide a forum for our community members to discuss all kinds of topics that are important to running a business in the semiconductor industry, from marketing to market trends, important issues that impact our industry, and our success stories.

For our third episode, we invited community members, Emerald Grieg of SurplusGlobal and Dave Kirsch, EV Group to have this conversation. Also joining in the fun is Darrell McDaniel, of NSTAR Global Services. The conversation starts with a look at the impact the global fab expansion is having on semiconductor equipment suppliers and the workforce. But then as most conversations do, it takes some side trips, which add to the story.

If you have something you’d like to talk about, please drop us a line. You may find yourself as a guest on a future episode of the 3D InCites Podcast. In the meantime, you can find us here and also on Stitcher and Spotify, and soon we’ll be available on Apple Podcasts and wherever you get your podcasts. Check out the episodes below.

Francoise von Trapp

They call me the “Queen of 3D” because I have been following the course of…

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