SEMI, the global industry association representing the electronics manufacturing and design supply chain, today announced that SEMICON West 2021 and the Design Automation Conference (DAC) have been rescheduled for their first co-location at the Moscone Center in San Francisco to December 5-9 to enable their return to a live exhibition and conference. SEMICON West 2021 will be held December 7-9 in Moscone North and South and the 58th DAC will be held in Moscone West December 5-9, 2021.
SEMICON West is the flagship microelectronics annual conference in North America. Combining a live conference with a virtual platform, the 51st SEMICON West will gather global thought leaders and visionaries to highlight the latest electronics trends, innovations, and developments in keynotes, TechTALKS and Meet the Experts sessions. The event will also feature live and online professional and business networking to help attendees grow their businesses.

“With the rapid globalization of world economies and markets, the collocation of these bellwether events has never been more timely,” said Dave Anderson, President of SEMI Americas and host of SEMICON West. “As a means to improve collaboration for exploring the shared challenges and opportunities for helping our society and planet, this colocation will lay a new foundation for faster innovation through the cross-industry, face-to-face interactions that we are all eager to resume.”
SEMI promotes connections, collaboration, and innovation in electronics design and advanced manufacturing to promote microelectronics industry growth. The co-location of SEMICON West and DAC will offer cross-industry forecasts and technical programs to accelerate connections across the global supply chain.