2020 has been a year for the books. Honestly, between the divisiveness in the USA caused by this year’s election shenanigans, the pandemic surging globally once again, and the disruption it’s caused in all our lives (to put it mildly), it’s been a struggle to find things to be thankful for. But in honor of Thanksgiving, celebrated this week in the USA, I thought it would be a good opportunity to dig deep and share some things for which I’m personally grateful.

Let’s start with the basics. I am grateful that so far, my loved one’s lives have been spared from this terrible virus, and those who have contracted it have recovered. I offer my sincerest condolences to those of you who haven’t been as lucky. I’m grateful that I and my daughters are all gainfully employed, safe and healthy, with a roof over our heads. I am grateful for friends and colleagues near and far, who have gone the extra mile to stay connected to one another, by the grace of Zoom, FaceTime, and (dare I say it?) social media.

I feel fortunate to work in an industry that despite the pandemic, seems to be thriving as we provide the technology that is helping to find solutions for navigating through these times, from artificial intelligence (AI) to speed up the research for vaccines and viable treatments,  to tools that allow us to carrying on communicating from a safe social distance.

I am thankful for my SemiSisters. The group has grown considerably as a result of this pandemic. We have monthly global Zoom social hours and regional happy hours, and I have to say that getting to know these amazing women has been the highlight of my year. I’m not sure why it took a pandemic and global lockdown for all of us to discover that we don’t have to meet in person to stay connected, but I’m so glad it happened!

The Phoenix and West Coast time zone meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 5pm MST, and the Worldwide SemiSister Social Hour happens on the last Thursday of the month at 8am MST. Email me if you’d like to be included in the list and mark your calendars! (If you are on the list and no longer want to participate, please email me as well.) I will be sending out a new invitation for 2021 in December.

But most of all, as Queen of 3D, I am thankful for the 3D InCites Community and how we have grown in numbers this year. At last count, we have 38 members (listed below) with more coming on board in December and January. Those who have been most active this year will tell you that it’s been well worth the effort  – especially as all of the physical events we rely on for networking and sharing our content have gone virtual. We’ve introduced Zoom video interviews, have written member spotlights, and provided an ongoing platform for sharing your company’s news, events, thought leadership blogs, technology articles, white papers, and more.  If you haven’t become a member, you can learn more about it here.  If you’re already a member, it’s time to renew for 2021! Contact Trine Pierik, membership director today.

PS: If you’re planning to contribute to the 2021 Yearbook let us know! Deadlines are coming up!

Thankful  for our Members:

Francoise von Trapp

They call me the “Queen of 3D” because I have been following the course of…

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