Due to Concerns Over Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak, the 2020 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Will Be Presented Online as a Virtual Conference. New date for the virtual IRPS 2020 will be April 28, 2020.

All technical program sessions (oral, invited, and posters) will be presented online. Registrants will be able to access all presentations online for a fixed period of time.

DALLAS, TX (March 10, 2020) – Due to concerns over the global coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the management committee and board of directors of the 2020 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), the industry’s premier technical conference for engineers and scientists to present the latest original research in microelectronics reliability, has decided to hold IRPS 2020 as a virtual conference. The entire Symposium technical program, consisting of more than 100 invited and accepted papers, as well as posters, delivered by leading reliability scientists and engineers from around the world, will be presented online. IRPS registrants will be able to access the presentations online on demand for a fixed period of time.
Additional information about registering for the virtual conference, and other program and logistics details will be sent via email and posted on the IRPS website as they become available.

“To everyone in the IRPS community, we deeply regret having to make the decision to switch to a virtual conference, but we could not move forward with a traditional IRPS while this world health issue of the coronavirus is affecting so many people,” said Guadenzio Meneghesso, IRPS general chair. “We are committed to presenting the same quality program of training and exposure to the most advanced reliability research in a premiere forum. On behalf of the IRPS management committee and board of directors, we thank you for your understanding.”

The original IRPS 2020 press release is available here:

About IRPS
The IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) is the premiere conference for engineers and scientists to present new and original work in the area of microelectronics reliability. Drawing participants from the United States, Europe, Asia, and all parts of the world, IRPS seeks to understand the reliability of semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, and microelectronic assemblies through an improved understanding of both the physics of failure as well as the application environment. IRPS provides numerous opportunities for attendees to increase their knowledge and understanding of all aspects of microelectronics reliability, and to meet and network with reliability colleagues from around the world.

The 2020 IRPS will be held at the Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Conference Center. For conference registration and other information, visit https://irps.org/.

About IEEE, Electron Devices Society, & IEEE Reliability Society
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities, IEEE is the trusted voice in a wide variety of areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers, and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power, and consumer electronics. Learn more at http://www.ieee.org.

The IEEE Electron Devices Society is dedicated to promoting excellence in the field of electron devices, and sponsors the IEDM. Learn more at https://eds.ieee.org/.

The IEEE Reliability Society is a professional society engaged in assuring reliability in the engineering disciplines of hardware, software, and human factors, spanning all design engineering fields to provide knowledge and expertise to incorporate reliability-specific attributes into the design of systems / products / devices / processes. Learn more at https://rs.ieee.org/

Francoise von Trapp

They call me the “Queen of 3D” because I have been following the course of…

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