Hands-down, the best part of last week’s 2016 European 3D Summit was the Gala Dinner at the Chateau Sassenage, and in particular, the Gala Quiz. (I think my co-attendees would agree with me.) I applaud the organizing committee, and in particular Anne-Marie Dutron and Yann Guillou, for coming up with such a great and fun team-building activity to liven up the evening and demonstrate our competitive spirit.

Here’s how it worked: the committee had, in advance, created a three-part multiple-choice quiz. The topics were 3D integration, SEMI, and Grenoble. The segments of the quiz were conducted in between dinner courses: the first before the entrée, the second before the main course, and the third just prior to dessert. Yann Guillou served as the Quiz Master (and frankly, I think he missed his calling. I’m sure there’s a Hollywood game show that could use his talent).

Each table of gala guests constituted a team, and appointed the spokesperson for the team. The spokesperson was armed with an electronic clicker that allowed them to cast the collective vote for the right answer. The answers were tallied in real time, and the percentage for each was displayed, followed by the correct answer. Speed and accuracy were the benchmarks for winning the quiz. After each segment, preliminary results were displayed so the tables could assess their position and plan their strategy for the next round.

Table 8 is ready for the Gala Quiz.

I was proud to be part of Table 8, which included Rozalia Beica, Yole Dévéoppement; Rama Alapati, GlobalFoundries; Gilles Fresquet and Tim Anderson Fogale Nanotech; Pete Molenaar, Towa Europe; Sitaram Arkalgud, Invensas; Chet and Amy Pakesko, Savansys; and Romain Fraux, System Plus was our spokesperson (or as I liked to think of him, Master of the Clicker). While we didn’t win the overall quiz —that honor and the prize of Chartreuse went to Table 1- we rocked the 3D section with 100% correct, and were in the top 10 going into round two. We’re already planning our strategy for the 2017 European 3D Summit! Go Table 8! Who says semiconductor engineers and executives don’t know how to have some fun?

Didn’t make it to this year’s European 3D Summit Gala dinner? While we can’t recreate the delicious meal or the picturesque setting of Chateau Sassenage, we can give you the opportunity to test your knowledge on 3D, SEMI and Grenoble. Follow the link to the European 3D Summit Gala Quiz and see how you do! ~ F.v.T.


Francoise von Trapp

They call me the “Queen of 3D” because I have been following the course of…

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