LeslieTugmanSEMI Foundation, a nonprofit affiliate of SEMI established to support education and career awareness in the field of high-tech, has announced the appointment of Leslie Tugman as its executive director. SEMI Foundation is known for its flagship program, SEMI High Tech U, which serves high school students interested in pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and math. Plans are underway to expand SEMI Foundation’s activities under Tugman’s leadership to include workforce development programs.

“Through her company, WorkForce Resources, Inc., Leslie has been a key member of the SEMI Foundation team that has delivered 190 High Tech U programs that have reached more than 6,000 students and teachers since the foundation’s inception in 2002,” said Art Zafiropoulo, Chairman and CEO of Ultratech, and founding member of the SEMI Foundation board of directors. “Leslie’s thorough understanding of the High Tech U program and her passion and experience for workforce development will ensure continuity and quality of programs as we look to expand the foundation’s activities as part of our 2020 strategic initiatives.

With the dawn of the Internet of Things, SEMI has set out to address an expanded audience that includes affiliations beyond the semiconductor industry, such as automotive and flexible electronics, nanotechnology and biomedical technologies. Now that SEMI Foundation is a mature entity with established leadership, it is well-positioned to go in new directions.

“I am excited about this appointment, and look forward to the opportunity to work with the board and take SEMI Foundation to the next level,” said Tugman. “The foundation is more than High Tech U: We are embarking on workforce development initiatives that address the pipeline for members in a near-term way.”

Prior to her work with SEMI High Tech U, Tugman served as the business development director for Business Education Compact in Portland, Oregon, delivering workforce development programs focused on educator internships. Career milestones include deputy executive directorship of the Texas Water Development Board, and assistant land commissioner with the Texas General Land Office.

For more information about SEMI Foundation and SEMI High Tech U, please visit the SEMI Foundation website.


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