Singapore 29 May, 2013– Singapore’s A*STAR Institute of Microelectronics (IME), Qualcomm Technologies Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, and STATS ChipPAC have announced a collaboration to develop technology building blocks for Low Cost Interposers (LCI) for 2.5D ICs.

“2.5D/3D IC technology provides ample opportunities to further increase functionality and performance of semiconductor ICs.  A collaborative approach is necessary for the industry to harness 2.5D/3D IC technologies successfully,” said Prof. Dim-Lee Kwong, Executive Director of IME. “IME’s consortium with Qualcomm Technologies and STATS ChipPAC focuses on pushing forward cost-effective manufacturing approaches in a timely manner.”

“This initiative extends our R&D efforts in the 2.5D/3D technologies and is another example of our investment in the silicon technology space,” said Jim Lederer, executive vice president and general manager, Qualcomm Technologies. “The collaboration with IME and STATS ChipPAC will help us support the ability to optimize 2.5D/3D IC technology and achieve cost and performance needs.”

“We are pleased to be part of this consortium to develop 2.5D technology solutions to address issues related to high volume manufacturing of 2.5D interposers,” said Dr. Han Byung Joon, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, STATS ChipPAC. “This collaboration, in conjunction with STATS ChipPAC’s proven expertise in manufacturing 2.5D/3D ICs, expands our strategic relationship with Qualcomm Technologies and IME.”

Francoise von Trapp

They call me the “Queen of 3D” because I have been following the course of…

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