Once again I find myself using this blog space to venture outside the scope of normal coverage to offer some thoughts and condolences on the passing of one of our industry’s own – Steve Adamson, Marketing Manager at Asymtek, who lost his battle with pancreatic cancer last Friday evening, Oct 28 only weeks after having been awarded IMAPS Daniel C. Hughes Award, which recognizes those who have made the greatest contributions to IMAPS and the microelectronics packaging industry.


Many of you know Steve, and followed along this journey with him as he blogged through this past year on Caring Bridge. His wife, Fay, posted this a final note here. I was a regular follower of Steve’s blog – and was constantly awed and amazed at his willingness to share such a personal journey with such grace and determination.

In the midst of dealing with all of this, Steve stayed as actively involved in the industry as he could.  In fact, we published an article authored by him in the March/April 2011 issue of Chip Scale Review, which, despite everything else he had going on, he managed to submit on deadline. This just speaks to Steve’s overall integrity and sense of commitment.

I have a few personal memories of Steve from interactions we had at events such as IMAPS International and ECTC. When I read of his passing, they came easily to mind….. how he arranged a meeting for me with the Chinese dignitaries who were presenting at IMAPS, and coached me through the interview to make sure I didn’t ask any inappropriate questions…. or his excitement over the first generation iPhone, of which he was an early adopter.  When I went out on my own with 3D InCites, he offered his support and guidance.  He was basically a really cool guy, and I will miss him.  But I’m sure his spirit will live on as all who knew him will certainly speak fondly of him when we find ourselves gathered at future events frequented by Steve.  ~  F.v.T.

Francoise von Trapp

They call me the “Queen of 3D” because I have been following the course of…

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