Happy Birthday to US! Happy Birthday to US!! Happy BIRTHDAY, 3D InCites….. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!

What? Too much? I can’t help it — I’m just like any mother who’s watched her baby go through all those firsts that happen in the first year of life. Today marks the one year anniversary of 3D InCites’ official launch and I couldn’t be prouder of all we’ve accomplished.

From the very beginning, our idea was to combine elements of an online trade publication with emerging social media concepts, adapting them to the needs of the semiconductor industry and focusing specifically on one particular growing area of interest in the semiconductor market: 3D IC integration and packaging. The thought was that a new way of communicating and sharing information would appeal most to those working to spread the word about something equally new to the industry. Needless to say, it’s been been quite an experience to nurture this community along, watching it grow and evolve from infancy into something quite unique.

And it is growing, from an initial membership of 6 to a community of 315 members; a dozen corporate, media, and event partners; and an active technical advisory board, — all spanning the ecosystem of the 3D integration supply chain.

Heck, every time we get a new member, I do a little cheer, because unlike social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and others, registration is not required to access all the content beyond article teasers; only to get updates and announcements, comment on posts, view other member information, download white papers, and participate in forum discussions. Therefore, those who choose membership aren’t just one time lookers. They’re clearly dedicated to the cause. I thank you all for your ongoing support!

In the past year, 3D integration technologies have taken a huge leap into the limelight. This is no surprise to those who have been champions of 3D since its successes in its early R&D stages. It’s also no surprise to those of us at 3D InCites. In fact, I like to think we had something to do with it. By next year when 3D InCites turns two, 3D IC commercialization is expected to be well underway, and THAT be something to celebrate! — F.v.T.

Francoise von Trapp

They call me the “Queen of 3D” because I have been following the course of…

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