I’ve been waging a campaign this week to bring in new members by contacting all the members of the TSV 3D Packaging Group on LinkedIn individually; the rationale being that anyone participating in LinkedIn groups is really motivated to actively participate in discussions. Well, so far it’s working. In one day we went from 169 members to 193, oh wait, make that 195 (could be more by the time you read this, check the bottom right corner of the home pages screen where the member box is for the most up-to-date count.)

I’ve also been compiling a list of desired topics for more online discussion forums to be held over the next six months, but I could use your help compiling this list. After all, you joined this site to find important information on3D integration developments, so who better to help decide what to cover than the members themselves?

Here’s the plan: we get a list together, and then I go line up the expert panelists, set some dates and we get things rolling. Oh, and if you happen to BE an expert in the area of discussion you’re suggesting, let me know and I’ll sign you up as a panelist.

Here’s what I’ve got so far (the last two courtesy of an email request from a new member):

  • 3D MEMS Update
  • Alternatives to TSVs
  • 3D WLP: the latest on next-generation technologies
  • Breakthroughs in 3D image sensor technology
  • Interconnect methods for TSV (Chip2Chip,Chip2Wafer,Wafer2Wafer, etc.)
  • TSV Reliability Testing: Results/Challenges

So let’s hear it: what would you like to discuss on in the world of 3D integration and packaging? – post your comments/suggestions below, or if you’re too shy, email me at Francoise@3DInCites.com and we’ll add them to the list for consideration. There’s one small hitch – if we run the discussion, you have to promise to ask some questions. Deal?  — F.v.T.

Francoise von Trapp

They call me the “Queen of 3D” because I have been following the course of…

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